Which is the Easiest SSB amongst these three: Army, Navy, or Air Force?

Many aspiring individuals dream of joining the prestigious National Defence Academy In Aurangabad (NDA). If you are also one of those aspiring and dedicated candidates then you\’ve come to the right place! This article is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with essential information and expert tips to help you prepare for the NDA written exam and the tough NDA SSB Interview process. Joining NDA as a cadet is not an easy task; it\’s a calling that requires dedication, courage, and a strong sense of individuality with leadership qualities. In this article, we are going to cover everything from basics such as the NDA exam pattern and syllabus, to effective strategies for the upcoming NDA exam. Let\’s start with knowing more about the NDA entrance exam.


Both the NDA 1 and NDA 2 Exam have been successfully conducted by UPSC this year

The schedule has also been released for the next NDA 1 exam, which will be held on 13th April 2025.

National Defence Academy is a very well-known prestigious tri-services training institute located in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra for the joint services training that trains cadets for all three services (Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force) together before they move on to their respective service academies for pre-commission training. NDA is known as the best training academy for all the Indian Armed Force Cadets. It is not an easy task to get admission to this best training academy, only a few candidates out of lakhs are able to make it who truly possess officer like qualities in all dimensions.


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts an entrance exam twice a year to get admission to NDA (National Defence Academy). NDA 1 exam which will be held on 13th April, 2025. This NDA entrance exam presents a golden opportunity for all young aspirants who want to pursue careers in the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force.


Young candidates who are appearing /passed higher secondary (12th) are eligible to appear for the NDA Entrance Exam.

What Is The NDA AGE LIMIT 2025

Age limit for NDA 2025 is 16.5 to 19.5 years. Age limits for both Unmarried Female and Male Candidates who are not born earlier than July 2, 2005 and not later than July 1, 2008 are eligible to apply.

What Is The Exam Pattern 2025

NDA entrance exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice a year in two stages: Written Exam & SSB Interview. To clear the NDA entrance exam, it is necessary for any candidate to first clear the written exam and then crack the personality test or interview followed by SSB (Service Selection Board).

Also, Read ThisHow Can I Improve My English Communication For SSB Interview Selection?

What Is The NDA SSB Interview Pattern

NDA 2 September Exam 2024 has been conducted successfully and results will be announced soon on the official website of UPSC. After passing the NDA written test, candidates will have to attend SSB Interviews which will be conducted in November/December.

The NDA SSB Interview process spans more than four days and aims to assess the candidates\’ abilities, physical and mental fitness.

For the final selection in NDA, the Candidates must have OLQs (officer like qualities) which helps them to get their name in the final merit.

Testing Level 1Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT).
 Testing Level 2– Personality Test – Group Testing Officer Tasks – Psychology Tests – Conference
DURATION4 to 5 days

Candidates must have obtained minimum qualifying marks of 25% or more than 360 marks out of 900 to clear the NDA written exam and then go for the SSB interview.

Which is the Easiest SSB the three: Army, Navy, or Air Force?

Cracking the NDA SSB Interview is one of the crucial tasks to get a place in the final merit list. 

The basic format or structure for SSB interviews is the same for all these three services. That\’s why we can\’t pick out anyone and call it easiest. The easy, moderate and difficulty levels of the SSB interview are mainly dependent on two factors -:

  • What are the special demands and requirements of the particular services and competition levels?
  •  What is the skillset, interest, and background possessed by an individual to get into the particular service from all of these three Army, Navy, or Air Force?

These are the other key factors that need to be considered to know the difficulty scale of the SSB interview process with more clarity -:

  • Interest And Background 
  • If you are more inclined towards physical fitness, leadership quality, and combat roles, then the Army SSB interview will be more straightforward for you.
  • If you are more inclined towards the flying roles with technical knowledge and problem-solving abilities then the Air Force SSB interview will be more familiar to you.
  • If you are more inclined towards the Navigation roles then you will find the Navy SSB interview process more related.
  • Opportunities

 The Indian Army is the largest branch of the Indian Armed Forces; it offers more SSB opportunities due to its broader intake, whereas the Navy and Air Force have fewer slots, which makes the competition more intense. 

  • Specific Requirements for Services 

There are Specific Requirements for Services, such as the Indian Army being more centred on physical endurance, critical decision making and leadership quality, while the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force are more centred on technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and handling situations with different qualifying Tests.

Understanding these dynamics helps aspirants strategize and stand out in the NDA SSB Interviews. As there are different dynamics for all These Three: Army, Navy, or Air Force why, there is no clear notion on which we can say it is the easiest.

How to Crack SSB Interview In First Attempt?

If you are going to appear in NDA SSB interview then here are some effective tips that will help you to crack NDA interview In the very First Attempt -:

  • Understand the Aim, Pattern  And Demands Of The Interview Process

The very first step in preparing for an SSB interview is to understand the entire interview process and different tests. Try to understand, what is the main demand of personality tests is and try to be mentally ready for the questions, discussions and other psychology tests.

  •  Dressing Up In An Appropriate Way

It is important for a candidate to dress up formally and look decent according to the NDA SSB interview. Formal dress up and smart outer appearance will help a candidate to score better in picture perception test and other interview related tests.

  • Maintain Correct Body Posture

It is important for a candidate to maintain a correct body posture in basic activities like sit in a proper way, walk in a proper way, hand movements , proper eye contact with the panellists and more.

  • Answer With Confidence

“Confidence to persist is the key to achieve”, be confident, calm and stay polite in the entire interview process.

  • Communication Skills

Good communication skills means an overall positive marking. A candidate must have excellent communication skills to showcase more skillset such as leadership quality, well-spoken or speaker quality, impressive clear thoughts and more.

  • Preparation & Fact Check

It is expected from a candidate to have proper knowledge about their academic backgrounds as there will be many questions asked straight out from the PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) or biodata submitted by a candidate.

  • General knowledge

Candidates must have general knowledge of current affairs, Indian Politics, Indian History and the tri services or Indian Armed force.

  • General Ability

A candidate must have general mental awareness or common sense and good IQ to answer or deal with the hypothetical situations and questions asked in the interview.

  • Physical Fitness

There are tests in the interview process that will measure the physical fitness & stamina of a candidate. That\’s why it is important for a candidate to be physically fit to crack the NDA SSB Interview.

  •  Positive And Creative Thoughts

A candidate must have officer-like qualities with positive and creative ideas to deal with the tasks and situations in and out of the service field.

Also Read ThisHow To Crack SSB Interview in 2024?

More About Major Kulthe Defence Education Institute In Aurangabad

MKDEI (Major Kulthe Defence Education Institute)

We are providing Genuine Mentoring in form of coachingand training for the candidates who are preparing for NDA.

We are working as a genuine defence institute that provides overall education plus training for the NDA exam preparation and groom the upcoming NDA cadets. We focus on the multipurpose dimensions of the Academic level and help in developing OLQs (officer-like qualities) in candidates with character-building to groom and shape the future of NDA aspirants.

For Registration & Admissions

Contact us on the helplines at 8087999670 / 671 or directly visit on mkdei.com or go to the home page for the precise information and details.


This article includes all the information related to NDA exam pattern, NDA SSB interview process, Effective tips for cracking NDA SSB interview and more.

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