What are some of the toughest questions asked by Interviewing officers during an officer Selection Board (SSB) interview?

Many aspiring individuals have a dream of joining the prestigious National Defence Academy (NDA). If you are also one of those aspiring and dedicated candidates then you\’ve come to the right place! This article is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with essential information and expert tips to help you prepare for the NDA SSB Interview. Joining NDA as a cadet is not an easy task; it\’s a calling that requires dedication, courage, and a strong sense of individuality with leadership qualities. Let\’s start with knowing more about the NDA entrance exam Pattern and the NDA SSB Interview Process.

NDA SSB Interview Process

National Defence Academy is a very well-known prestigious training institute located in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra for the  joint services training that trains cadets for all three services (Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force) together before they move on to their respective service academies for pre-commission training. It is not an easy task to get admission in this best training academy. Candidates must pass two challenging exam stages, written and interview, to get admission in NDA for further training and commission.

The NDA SSB Interview process spans more than four days and aims to assess the candidates\’ abilities, and physical and mental fitness. For the final selection in NDA, the Candidates must have OLQs (officer-like qualities) which help them to get their name in the final merit.

Basic Testing Structure for NDA SSB Interview -:

Testing Level 1

Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT).

 Testing Level 2

– Personality Test

– Group Testing Officer Tasks

– Psychology Tests

– Conference

Candidates must have obtained minimum qualifying marks of 25% or more than 360 marks out of 900 to clear the NDA written exam and then go for the SSB interview.  

NDA 2 SSB Interview Dates

UPSC has successfully conducted NDA 2 written Exam on 14 September 2025.

Results will be published soon on the official website of UPSC.

Dates for NDA 2 SSB Interview will also be announced soon by exam conducting body UPSC after publishing the written exam results. After passing the NDA written test, candidates will have to attend SSB Interviews which will be conducted in November/December.

What Are Some Of The Toughest Questions Asked By Indian Army Officers During An Officer Selection Board (SSB) Interview?

This is the list of some Toughest Questions Asked by Indian Army Officers during an SSB interview -:

Q.1 Why do you want to join the Indian Army, and what inspires you to serve the nation?

  • This Question aims to test the candidate\’s commitment, passion and motivation towards the services.

Ans- An ideal answer to this question can be – \”Joining the Indian Army has always been a cherished aspiration of mine, driven by an unwavering passion to serve my nation and be an integral part of a prestigious institution that embodies the values of honour, courage, leadership and sacrifice. For me, serving in the Indian Army is not just a career choice, but a calling that aligns with my values and sense of purpose.\”

Q.2 Can you tell us about a difficult situation that you faced and how you overcame it?

  •  The purpose of this question is to assess the candidate’s ethical values and moral values with integrity and decision-making ability under pressure.

Ans- The answer to this question can differ depending on the candidate\’s personal experiences. One of the sample answers can be “During my NCC training where our team was assigned a task in a challenging obstacle course. One of our team members was badly injured during the practice, and we had to work together to complete the task and course. I took charge and motivated my teammates to work together. We completed all the tasks; this difficult situation helped me to learn the importance of leadership, teamwork, and adaptability in overcoming challenges.\”

Q.3 What do you know and what is your take on Indian Defence Policies?

  •  The purpose of this question is to test the candidate’s current awareness related to Indian Defence policies and stands. The interviewer\’s panel aims to test if the candidate is aware of current national security and defence policies and the current broader context in which the Indian military operates.

Ans- A sample answer to this question can be \”India\’s defence policy prioritises territorial integrity, national security and through strategic autonomy, self-reliance, deterrence, and counter-terrorism. I commend initiatives like \’Make in India\’ and regional cooperation. As a future officer, I\’ll uphold these principles, ensuring national security and integrity, while promoting regional stability and diplomacy.”

Q.4 What are your thoughts on the current geopolitical situation in South Asia?

  • The purpose of this question is to test the candidate’s awareness related to current events. The interviewer\’s panel aims to test if the candidate is aware of current national security and defence policies and the current broader context in which the Indian military operates.

Ans- An ideal answer to this question can be – “The geopolitical situation in South Asia has always been a subject of complexity characterised by ongoing tensions between India and its neighbouring countries, particularly Pakistan and China. These regions are also affected by continuous issues of terrorism and border disputes. The influence of external powers also plays a big role. Although India is strategically dealing with these issues on its standard levels, focusing on more defence capabilities and enhancing diplomatic efforts will improve the situation more. Collaboration with international allies and more participation in multilateral forums are also important to address these challenges.”

Q.5 How would you handle a moral dilemma in a combat situation?

  •  The purpose of this question is to judge the candidate’s moral values, ethics, and decision-making ability in tough situations.

Ans- The answer to this question can differ depending on the candidate\’s viewpoints on morality and ethics. One of the sample answers can be – “Protecting civilians versus neutralising the insurgent threat” is one of the combat situations that we mostly keep on facing in the field. In such a moral dilemma situation, I will try my best to assess the situation, identify ethical principles and prioritise civilian lives.

Q.6 Why should we select you as an Indian army officer?

  • This Question also aims to test the candidate\’s commitment, passion and motivation towards the service.

Ans- An ideal answer to this question can be – “For me, serving in the Indian Army is not just a career choice, but a calling that aligns with my values and sense of purpose. I possess the required skills and officer-like qualities to serve the nation as a dedicated and effective Indian Army officer, such as leadership skills, decision-making ability, teamwork, integrity, physical and mental resilience, adaptability, and strategic and critical thinking.

Q.7 What would you do if you were lost in enemy territory?

  •  These types of questions aim to assess candidates\’ leadership skills, decision-making ability under pressure and how a candidate deals with hardship.

Ans- An ideal answer to this question can be – “If I were lost in an enemy territory then my priority would be to assess the situation and gather the enemy intel as much as possible. I will try my best to find potential escape routes and adapt to the environment. I will try to establish communication through secure devices and coded languages. If communication will not happen then I will try to evade and disguise tactics to get the best survival possible at that time.”

How to prepare for SSB Interview Questions for Indian Army?

These are the following points through which you can prepare for SSB interview question for Indian Army -:

Preparation & Fact Check

It is expected from a candidate to have proper knowledge about their academic backgrounds as there will be many questions asked straight out from the PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) or biodata submitted by a candidate.

Preparation for SSB Interview Ethics Questions

You must have general mental awareness or common sense and good IQ to answer or deal with the hypothetical situations based on ethics and questions asked in the interview.

Preparation for SSB Interview Current Events & Geography Questions

You must have general knowledge of current events of Indian and International Politics, geography, Indian History and the tri services or Indian Armed force.

– Giving Mock interviews will help you to Prepare for Overall SSB Interview Questions more effectively.

SSB Interview Coaching & Preparation

Major Kulthe Defence Education Institute In India provides Genuine Mentoring in Form of Coaching and training for the candidates who are preparing for NDA.

We are working as a genuine defence institute that provides overall education plus training for the NDA exam preparation and groom the upcoming NDA cadets. We focus on the multipurpose dimensions of the Academic level and help in developing OLQs (officer-like qualities) in candidates with character-building to groom and shape the future of NDA aspirants. We also have a facility of separate SSB training centres for SSB interview preparations.

For Registration & Admissions

Contact us on the helplines at 8087999670 / 671 or directly visit on mkdei.com or go to the home page for the precise information and details.


This article includes all the information related to the toughest questions asked by Indian Army officers during an officer Selection Board (SSB) interview and how to prepare for an SSB interview.

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