Team Sports
"Winners never quit - Quitters never win"!
Team Sports are an integral part of the curriculum at MKDEI. Sports not only builds character but more importantly, also reveals it! As such team games are a daily staple at the institute.
- The Team Sports offered at the institute include Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Handball. All cadets have to participate in all the sports (on rotation basis) daily. Professionally trained coaches and the Physical Training Instructors conduct the games, for an hour every evening.
- MKDEI cadets have proved their mettle, time and again in various games and Track and Field events at at intra/inter School, District, State and National levels.
- Team Sports form an integral part of the "Annual General Championship" for deciding the Champion Company and the winner of the Champion's Trophy and the coveted Presidential Flag.
Your Defence Career Starts Here!
Prepare for NDA with MKDEI and take your first step towards an honorable career in the Indian Defence Services.